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  • Martial Arts and Violence

    Πολεμικές Τέχνες και Βία

    In recent years, there has been an ongoing debate surrounding the association between martial arts and violence, particularly concerning children who practice combat sports. Concerned parents often express worry about their children potentially becoming more aggressive due to their involvement in activities like Κarate, Kung Fu, or taekwondo. However, it's crucial to debunk this misconception and understand the broader context in which…

  • Control Mind and Emotions in Martial Arts

    Έλεγχος του μυαλού και των συναισθημάτων στις πολεμικές τέχνες

    Martial arts, a practice deeply rooted in physical prowess, discipline, and mental fortitude, offers a profound journey into self-mastery. Beyond the techniques and physical conditioning lies an essential aspect often overlooked by novices and even experienced practitioners: the control of the mind and emotions. Mastery in martial arts extends beyond the dojo; it is the equilibrium of body and mind, the harmonious synchronization of physical…

  • Unveiling the Essence of the Heart Chakra

    Η Ουσία του Κέντρου της Καρδιάς

    In the realm of spiritual exploration and self-discovery, the concept of chakras - Mailun [Chin.: Mài lún 脉轮 | Sanskr: चक्र] holds a significant place. Among these energy centers, the heart chakra, known as Xinlun [Chin.: Chin.: Xīn lún 心轮] in Chinese and Anāhata [हृदयचक्रम्] in Sanskrit, stands out as a focal point for balance, compassion, and interconnectedness. Let's delve into the profound…

  • The Sacred Path of Shaolin Kung Fu

    Το Ιερό Μονοπάτι του Σαολίν Κουνγκ Φου

    Not for Everyone, but Perfect for Some In the annals of martial arts history, few disciplines evoke the mystique and reverence quite like Shaolin Kung Fu. Rooted in centuries of tradition, Shaolin Kung Fu embodies not just physical prowess, but also spiritual growth, discipline, and a deep connection to the heritage of ancient China. It's a path that demands unwavering dedication, relentless practice, and a commitment that spans a…

  • What I Gained from Rou Quan Quan Practice

    Τι κέρδισα από την πρακτική Ρόου Τσουάν

    After more than 40 years of practicing Shaolin Rou Quan, I feel both a deep need and a sense of obligation to share my personal point of view, my understandings, and, above all, my own experience with this remarkable art. Shaolin Rou Quan, often misunderstood or undervalued compared to other martial arts, holds profound benefits that go far beyond self-defense. It is a discipline that fosters balance, inner peace, and strength in ways that are…