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- Shaolin Rou Quan
Shaolin Gong Fu is a broad and profound self cultivating system, combining martial arts and Chan in a unique way. Not only does it comprise of hard moves and techniques but also techniques of soft and internal moves. Essentially, there is no clear distinction, since this is the purpose of self cultivation, so internal as external. The hard lies in the soft, and the soft lies in the hard. 柔中之刚为真刚,刚中之柔为真柔…
- The Five Skills of Shaolin Soft Fist
The growth and development of Shaolin [Chin: Shàolín 少林] Soft Fist - Rou Quan [Chin: róuquán 柔 拳] unfortunately was not like that of Shaolin Kung Fu. The need for survival forced the monks to focus on strengthening the body and on defense and combat techniques rather than the healing properties and the energy balancing provided by the art of the old monks. Soft Fist - Rou Quan is a great art, which constantly develops the physical…
- Sport Should Advocate Noble Competition
No To Violent Instincts and Discrimination Sport has always been a mirror reflecting human society, embodying ideals of teamwork, dedication, and the pursuit of excellence. However, in the heat of competition, it can also magnify humanity’s darker impulses, including violence, aggression, and even discrimination. In this context, it's crucial to emphasize that the true spirit of sport lies not in brute force or exclusion, but in noble…
- The Ethical Imperative in Self-Defense
Prioritizing Efficacy Over Profit In the realm of self-defense instruction, a troubling trend has emerged: the commodification of fear. Many self-proclaimed experts exploit individuals' anxieties about personal safety, offering elaborate courses and expensive equipment. While the demand for self-defense training is understandable, there is an ethical imperative to prioritize practical and effective techniques over profit. Instructors…
- The Art of the Fan
A Traditional Weapon with Timeless Elegance The fan [Chin.: Shàn 扇], often associated with a tool for cooling oneself on a hot day or a stylish accessory, may not immediately conjure images of martial prowess. However, delve into the rich history of traditional Chinese martial arts, and you'll discover that the fan has been one of the most widely used and underestimated weapons. With roots reaching deep into ancient China, fan combat…