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- Mystical Meridian of the Triple Heater
In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), the human body is believed to be a complex network of energy channels or meridians through which vital life force, or Qi, flows. These meridians play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of health and well-being. One lesser-known yet intriguing meridian is the Triple Heater or Triple Burner meridian, known in Chinese as the San Jiao meridian [Chin.: sānjiāo 三焦]. This meridian has mystified and…
- Progress Rooted in Tradition
In an era characterized by rapid technological advancements and a relentless pursuit of the new, it is crucial to recognize the enduring value of tradition and primordial knowledge in shaping the path of human progress. While modernity often encourages us to look forward, we must also look backward to the wisdom embedded in our cultural heritage, ancient practices, and timeless traditions. This article delves into the symbiotic relationship…
- Overcoming the First Hurdle
Walking into a Martial Arts Dojo for the First Time Embarking on the journey of learning martial arts can be a daunting prospect for many. The mystique surrounding the dojo and the myriad of preconceived notions can create mental barriers, often discouraging individuals from taking that first step through the front door. This article aims to demystify the most challenging part of starting martial arts – the initial act of walking into the…
- Shaolin Rou Quan
Shaolin Gong Fu is a broad and profound self cultivating system, combining martial arts and Chan in a unique way. Not only does it comprise of hard moves and techniques but also techniques of soft and internal moves. Essentially, there is no clear distinction, since this is the purpose of self cultivation, so internal as external. The hard lies in the soft, and the soft lies in the hard. 柔中之刚为真刚,刚中之柔为真柔…
- Dedication to Learning a Martial Art
Martial arts are not just a form of physical exercise or self-defense; they are a way of life. To truly master a martial art, one must embrace a journey that demands unwavering dedication, discipline, and a deep respect for tradition. Learning a martial art is not a casual pursuit; it requires a commitment that goes far beyond the confines of a dojo or training hall. In this article, we explore the importance of dedication to learning a…