Shaolin Greek Cultural Organization Portal | 希腊嵩山少林寺文化网门


Shaolin is not only an important part of Chinese Tradition and culture but is an important monument of world cultural heritage.


Main Objectives of the Hellenic Shaolin Cultural Organization [EPOS], is the guarantee of reliability, completeness and accuracy in the dissemination of Shaolin Culture.


[EPOS] [Chin .: Shàolín Xīlà Wénhuà Zǔzhī 少林希腊文化組织], was created in 2011 by the Officially Recognized Greek Teacher Shi Yan Zhuo [Stavridis Iordanis].


    The spread of Shaolin Culture, Culture, Philosophy, Spirit and Arts in Greece.


    The promotion of cooperation in the field of culture, arts, spirit and culture in general between Greece and China.


    The organization of lectures with moral, social and cultural content, as well as the organization of events etc. in order to gain knowledge about Chinese history and culture.


    The organization of short-term or long-term teaching of Shaolin Culture, Spirit and Arts.


    The promotion in Greece of methods and forms of development and cultivation of physical and spiritual harmony, which are related to Shaolin.


    Cooperation with associations, institutions, federations and cultural centers of the country and abroad that have similar or similar goals.


  • Chan meditation session for Tempi

    02/28/2025: On February 28, 2025, the Greek Shaolin Cultural Organization (EPOS) held a meditation and prayer gathering at their Athens center to honor the victims of the recent tragedy in Tempi. This event provided a space for the community to come together in reflection and solidarity.

    The gathering…

  • Βραδιά των Άσσων 2024

    The Night of the Aces 2024

    02/27/2025: The Night of the Aces 2024 was an exceptional and glamorous event, which highlighted the hard work and dedication of the athletes of Ilia. The event was organized by the Varouxis Journalism Group, and it honored the perseverance and passion of the people of sports. Particularly moving was the awarding…

  • Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Διαλογισμού

    World Meditation Day

    12/21/2024: As the world celebrates World Meditation Day, EPOKES, the leading Greek Shaolin organization, marked the occasion by completing its groundbreaking initiative titled “Meditation: A Fundamental Human Right.” This transformative campaign aimed to promote meditation as a key tool for mental well-being,…

  • 2ο Φεστιβάλ Πολεμικών Τεχνών Αθηνών

    2nd Athens Martial Arts Festival

    12/10/2024: The New Indoor Gymnasium of I. Rentis came alive with vigor and excitement on Sunday, December 8, 2024, as it hosted the much-anticipated 2nd Panhellenic Martial Arts Festival, organized by Krav Maga Protection International under the auspices of the Hellenic Federation of Martial Arts (EOPT). With the…

  • 1ο Ευρωπαϊκό Τουρνουά Σαολίν Αθήνας

    1st European Shaolin Tournament of Athens

    12/03/2024: The 1st European Shaolin Wushu Kung Fu Tournament of Athens kicked off with the official opening ceremony held on Saturday, November 30, 2024 at the Mikis Theodorakis Cultural Conference Center in Argyroupoli. The venue was transformed into a vibrant center of cultural exchange and martial arts celebration,…

  • Ημερίδα Σαολίν. 6 Αρμονικές Πρακτικές

    Shaolin Liuhe Gong Seminar 2024

    10/13/2024: The training day "6 Harmonious Exercises - Liu He Gong [Chin.: Shàolín liùhé gōng 少林六合功]", on Sunday October 13, 2024, in Artemida, which was implemented by the Greek Shaolin Cultural Organization, was completed with complete success.

    At the training day, Liu He Gong, an internal…

  • Ετήσια συνάντηση προσωπικού ΕΠΟΣ

    2024 Yearly Meeting Of EPOS

    10/06/2024: As every year, this year too, the established regular annual meeting of teaching staff of the Greek Shaolin Cultural Organization took place on Sunday, October 6, 2024, online. The remote meeting, as provided for by the Internal Regulations, began with the General Director of the Greek Shaolin Cultural…

  • Σεμινάριο  Κινεζικής Παραδοσιακής Ιατρικής

    Traditional Chinese Medicine Seminar

    10/01/2024: The Qigong Seminar of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Greece [Chinese: zhōngyī qìgōng xīlà yántǎo huì 中医气功 国家公司], which was held by the Hellenic Wushu-Kung Fu Federation, ended on Sunday, September 29, 2024, in the VIP room of the AEK indoor stadium in Ano Liosia in collaboration…

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Martial Arts Aren’t for Everyone

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What I Gained from Rou Quan Quan Practice

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Sparring vs. Survival Instinct

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Τήρηση της Παράδοσης

Upholding Tradition

Published on 04/07/2024: The Responsibility of Practicing Traditional Martial Arts

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Greek Shaolin Temple Cultural Center | 希腊嵩山少林寺文化网门
Explore the Harmony of Greek Shaolin Temple Cultural Center
Embark on a transformative journey with the Greek Shaolin Cultural Organization, delving into the rich heritage of Shaolin martial arts and cultural traditions. Experience harmony of mind, body, and spirit through immersive workshops and captivating events. Join us in preserving and celebrating this timeless tradition. Start your adventure today!