Shaolin Rou Quan in byCreatEVIty Center
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Publication Date: 12/23/2015
Published by: «EPOS» Information and Public Relations Office

The Greek Shaolin Cultural Organization [EPOS] in its constant attempt to openly spread the arts of shaolin to every educational organization visited the complex of arts and education of Lifelong Education Center bycreatEVIty. Master Miao Yuan - Vassilopoulos Ioannis [chin: shìmiàoyuán 释妙原] –who is an officially recognized master of EPOS, received gladly the invitation of the founder and director of the center Mrs Evi Dimolaidou, for presenting Shaolin Qi Gong [chin .: shǎolín qìgōng 少林气功] and Shaolin Rou Quan [chin .: shǎolín róuquán gōngfǎ 少林柔拳功法] on Wednesday 23 of December 2015 in place so full of arts.
The aspirations of mrs Dimolaidou and her contribution in the area of arts and not only are priceless but also aligned with the component of Shaolin Culture, where the main concern is too, the provision of every practitioner with such supplies and adaptation skills in a constantly developing social-economic field and the empowerment of special abilities and the creative exploitation of leisure time in the field of Arts and Culture.
Master Miao Yuan received a very warm welcome in an utterly delicate and receptive audience. Initially there was time lapse at the origins of Qi Gong and how Shaolin Rou Quan now comprises the predecessor of what is now known as Tai Ji.
Ιt was elucidated that those ancient arts have the primary purpose the inner well-being and that the least they can offer are, better concentration, peace and freedom in creative expression for every practitioner in any type of art.
An opportunity was given for an evidence based documentation of the effects of such exercises in immune system, rejuvenation and stimulation of the human body with the minimum physical force.
Special drills were presented for the development of concentration, serenity and proper stance, prior to an introduction on the art of vital breath… that of Qi Gong, and how Westerners have long forgotten the proper way breathing with whatever that may entail in general health.
Τhe atmosphere is already electrified, where the heat of Qi starts to penetrate in the complex, and in some people battered, energy channels. The first impressions and sensations take little time to emerge and practitioners are getting excited.
While excitement reaches its peak, it is clarified how great the benefit can be in the long term and as precaution from such practices due to the repetitive movements and most of the times wrong stances for prolonged periods of time, a fact that is accompanied with the of tailoring, jewelry e.t.c as well as the dangers that sitting activities may run, unless companied with the proper exercise.
They discovered that simply accompanied with their breath and the right motivation, they can in a limited space, find peace and calmness without having to expect the ideal circumstances for this to happen and that each and every human being have the right and ought to find some time for peace.
Upon saying this master Miao Yuan demonstrated a weaponless ability of Rou Quan using minimum space, backing thus the aforementioned in practice.
A recap was made by providing a special set of drills that they can use daily for better health and concentration.
Mrs Dimolaidou warmly thanked and accepted the offer of master Miao Yuan for non-profit sessions to the students of the center at its premises.
Participants received notes concerning the art of Rou Quan and asked for more information concerning Gong Fu [chin.: gōng fu 功夫] and its importance in Shaolin. Τhe answers they received were far in excess of what they expected.
All have the right to exercise, employed, unemployed, regardless of gender, educational level, nationality or religion.
Each form of art is a path to know thy self. A path for a life full of health, peace and quality. This what the arts of Shaolin such as Rou Quan and Qi Gong aspire at.
China, Chinese Kung Fu, Kung Fu, Kung Fu Grading, Martial Arts, Chinese Martial Arts, Shaolin, Shaolin Kung Fu, shaolin kung fu grading, shaolin temple, Shifu Shi Yan Zhuo, Changchun Wushu CenterA Friendly Reminder: All content included on this site, such as text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, audio clips, and software, is the property of Hellenic Shaolin Cultural Center or its content suppliers and protected by US and International Copyright Laws. The compilation (meaning the collection, arrangement, and assembly) of all content on this site is the exclusive property of Hellenic Shaolin Cultural Center and protected by US and International Copyright Laws. Any use of the content on this site, including the reproduction, modification, distribution, transmission, republication, display, or performance, is strictly prohibited.