Shaolin Arts Presentation at the Oneiroupolis Center
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Publication Date: 03/21/2017
Published by: «EPOS» Information and Public Relations Office

The Shaolin Arts Presentation at the Oneiroupolis Center of Creative Education of Children in Thessaloniki, was completed with unprecedented success, in the evening of Tuesday 21 March 2017. The Greek Shaolin Cultural Organization responded promptly to the request of the head office of the school at presenting the soft arts of Shaolin and in collaboration with the Shaolin Cultural Center of Thessaloniki “True Way”, granted this initiative with an interactive and evidence based presentation to parents, children and the entire staff of the school. The event was organised by the director of KE.PO.SA.TH., Mr Vassilopoulos Ioannis along with the student Mavridou Sophie.
It was a unique chance to give prominence to the beneficial actions of the Shaolin Arts and particularly Shaolin Qi Gong and Shaolin Rou Quan, the Shaolin soft fist[chin.: Shàolín róu quán 少林 柔拳].
A historic retrospect took place, on how Shaolin Rou Quan has shaped up and spread out in the well known Tai Ji [chin.: tài jí 太极].
Evidence based scientific data were presented on the effects of soft arts like Shaolin Rou Quan and Tai Ji on preliminary children, but also the tutors themselves on reducing stress, anxiety and depression.
Quite an impression was made by recent scientific studies that clearly state the benefits that children can enjoy, while practicing the arts of shaolin Qi Gong and Shaolin Rou Quan at an early age.
A quite detailed reference was made, concerning significant (numerically statistically) improvements on psychosomatic aspects of the health of young pupils such as, immune system, cognitive function, hyper-activeness (attention deficit), sleep quality, stress, anxiety, respiratory (asthma), fear, performance, focus, rehabilitation, emotion, balance, obesity, bullying, flexibility … as well as the effects on special diseases like muscular dystrophy, autism and many others.
It was elucidated that a lot of people associate Rou Quan with the third age, and this makes clear sense. However, the benefits of such exercise can be seen from childhood and get enormous as time goes by. There was a small talk about the modern tendency of mixed martial arts, which from one hand can indeed boost up the self confidence, but not necessarily tilt peace and inner balance. A noble personality with sensitivity to fellow human beings and the surroundings.
Shaolin Rou Quan and Qi Gong concurrently develop a health body in a healthy mind. A gentle personality with sensitivity/empathy towards fellow beings and the environment. This fact levered the talk up the cornerstones of practice via the martial virtues (shaolin wu de) and the five skills (shaolin wu gong) that gradually develop in every Rou Quan practitioner.
It is friendly to all bodytypes and moreover children who, for certain reasons are having difficulty in integrating in the common and usually more competitive sport’s activities, enjoying such the benefits of a common aerobic workout.
Τhis exercise is calling upon even the “more demanding” children that wish either to enhance their performances in other sports or reduce recovery time, maintaining thus their energy reserves and without exercise becoming a burden to their academic performances.
Soft arts are recommended by most World Health Organisations as a mild complementary effective activity and is surrounded by a plethora of scientific studies. It is used already by many public and private Educational Institutions abroad.
Traditional Qi Gong[chin .: qìgōng 气功] skills were presented later on, in a play form coveting such the children, as well as the teachers who followed the program with the same enthusiasm.
After the presentation of the first unarmed skill of Shaolin Rou Quan , a step by step teaching followed with its kinesiology. Children showed a unique interest and joyfull participation.
It was explained that the practice is futile when not accompanied by the study of Martial Virtue of Shaolin, Wu De [chin.: Shàolín WǔDé 少林武德] .
The presentation was completed with sitting meditation, and despite the age of the young participants, they managed to chill out and let go to inner peace.
Parents, children, teachers have all become one…
Yet another time it is proved in practice, how versatile the arts of Shaolin are, regardless age and body type.
The founders and directors of the nursery Mr Vakaloudis Thomas and Mrs Makri Maria, obviously excited stated at the end of the presentation :
«The launching pad for this initiative and getting to know the arts of Shaolin was our love for children and the necessity for the rightfull care and edification. It was unprecedented and truly remarkable the attention of the over 25 children, and the quietness with which they attended (considering the restlessness of their age), but also the interest that was shown by our teachers. We are very positive in proceeding in integrating the Shaolin Arts at the activities of the Center of Creative Occupation of Children, aiming at the edifying occupation and the rightful utilization of their leisure time.»
In turn, the founder and director of the Greek Shaolin Cultural Organization (EPOS) Great Master Iordanis Stavridis Shi Yan Zhuo [chin.: shì yán zhuō 释延卓] stated:
«EPOS is always by the side of all those who wish to know the Arts of Shaolin. We are very glad that initiatives like this, have such positive impact and we hope that they will be too, a launch pad for enhancing and refining the educational system in all level and areas. We hope the best of auspiciousness for promoting Shaolin Arts at your nursery and your staff.»
China, Chinese Kung Fu, Kung Fu, Kung Fu Grading, Martial Arts, Chinese Martial Arts, Shaolin, Shaolin Kung Fu, shaolin kung fu grading, shaolin temple, Shifu Shi Yan Zhuo, Changchun Wushu CenterA Friendly Reminder: All content included on this site, such as text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, audio clips, and software, is the property of Hellenic Shaolin Cultural Center or its content suppliers and protected by US and International Copyright Laws. The compilation (meaning the collection, arrangement, and assembly) of all content on this site is the exclusive property of Hellenic Shaolin Cultural Center and protected by US and International Copyright Laws. Any use of the content on this site, including the reproduction, modification, distribution, transmission, republication, display, or performance, is strictly prohibited.