EPOS Teaching Staff Meeting
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Publication Date: 09/17/2017
Published by: «EPOS» Information and Public Relations Office

On Saturday, September 16, 2017, took place at the OASKF Club. "ARISTOMACHOS" in Artemida, the first Assembly of the new Academic Year of the EPOS teaching staff. The work of the meeting began with a brief reference to the work of EPOS and its administration during the Academic Year 2016-2017 by the General Director of the Greek Shaolin Cultural Organization, Mr. Stavridis Iordanis, to all attending masters, who had the opportunity to speak in turn about the beginning of this year, which seems to be starting very dynamically.
The key issues on the agenda were the ending of EPOS co-operation with the Red Phoenix and Snake & Crane Associations and the join of new members and their cooperation with EPOS.
Due to the end of the cooperation with the aforementioned Associations, the Administration and all EPOS masters expressed their thanks to the presidents, the administration and the masters for their multiannual co-existence and course and wished them good continuity in their new projects, projection and development of their Groups' objectives..
The collaboration between Source of the Young Forest in Dafni and master Hou Ye Shuai with EPOS was then approved with full agreement.
The Chinese Master integration was achieved after a series of meetings and discussions with officials, giving the clear picture that Shaolin in Greece is a family. A request that was made by Venerable Shi Yong Xin, to master Shi Yan Juo, in September 2011, at the meeting of the European Shaolin Federation in Rome. It is our duty to take care of the healthy development of Shaolin Culture in Greece, with a person who really and not ostensibly support them. Said Master Yang Kong.
After the meeting, the masters' questions on procedural and operational matters of mutual interest were answered, the common tactics of the course of EPOS teaching staff were discussed, with emphasis on strengthening the Educational Pillar and the Training Program in the New Educational Year 2017 - 2018 and the meeting was completed with the wish of Mr. Stavridis, General Director of EPOS, for a Creative New Year with the continuation of the upward course and the empowerment of the Shaolin family in our country and throughout the world.
China, Chinese Kung Fu, Kung Fu, Kung Fu Grading, Martial Arts, Chinese Martial Arts, Shaolin, Shaolin Kung Fu, shaolin kung fu grading, shaolin temple, Shifu Shi Yan Zhuo, Changchun Wushu CenterA Friendly Reminder: All content included on this site, such as text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, audio clips, and software, is the property of Hellenic Shaolin Cultural Center or its content suppliers and protected by US and International Copyright Laws. The compilation (meaning the collection, arrangement, and assembly) of all content on this site is the exclusive property of Hellenic Shaolin Cultural Center and protected by US and International Copyright Laws. Any use of the content on this site, including the reproduction, modification, distribution, transmission, republication, display, or performance, is strictly prohibited.