Educational Workshop With Various Subjects
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Publication Date: 02/16/2015
Published by: «EPOS» Information and Public Relations Office

EPOS responded immediately once again to the really intense interest in Shaolin culture by the students of the cultural Centers in Amaliada and Pyrgos. With the group of his recognized masters and seniors of the Shaolin Kung Fu development team "ARISTOMACHOS", a Training Workshop with various subjects was organised.
The morning of Sunday, February 15, 2015, found the students of the two centers of Ilia, in the green mountain of Katakolon.
The group of Shaolin "Rou Quan" [chin .: Shàolín róuquán 少林 柔 拳], of the two Ilia Shaolin Centres , under the guidance of Masters Kostopoulos Ioannis [6th Duan Wei Senior Level] and Delis George [5th Duan Wei Middle Level] worked on the Techniques Set of the first Form of Soft Fist [chin .: yī lù róu quán jì qiǎo 一路 柔 拳 技巧], including breathing exercises, chi gong and self-cultivation methodology.
Older students of the Cultural Centre, under the supervision of Sifu Andrew Banner [4th Duan Wei Middle Level] exercised in several unarmed Shaolin skills, such as "Fist of the small flow" - Xiao Hong Chuan [chin: xiǎohóngquán 小 洪拳] and Shaolin "Chain Fist" - Lian Huan Chuan [chin .: liánhuánquán 连环 拳]. The Students of 1st Duan Wei Basic Level exercised in Shaolin Wide Sword - [chin .: Shàolín dāndāo 少林 单刀] together with the senior Student Capai Adrian [4th Duan Wei Middle Level]. The other students exercised in unarmed forms according to their level, along with the seniors Antari Constantina and Giannakopoulou Anna [4th Duan Wei Middle Level].
By the end of the workshop, the students were very happy by this very constructive morning and fare welled the masters, renewing their appointment for the direct future.
China, Chinese Kung Fu, Kung Fu, Kung Fu Grading, Martial Arts, Chinese Martial Arts, Shaolin, Shaolin Kung Fu, shaolin kung fu grading, shaolin temple, Shifu Shi Yan Zhuo, Changchun Wushu CenterA Friendly Reminder: All content included on this site, such as text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, audio clips, and software, is the property of Hellenic Shaolin Cultural Center or its content suppliers and protected by US and International Copyright Laws. The compilation (meaning the collection, arrangement, and assembly) of all content on this site is the exclusive property of Hellenic Shaolin Cultural Center and protected by US and International Copyright Laws. Any use of the content on this site, including the reproduction, modification, distribution, transmission, republication, display, or performance, is strictly prohibited.