Greek Shaolin delegation visits Shaolin UK

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Publication Date: 10/11/2014
Published by: «EPOS» Information and Public Relations Office

On Friday, June 28, 2014 the Greek Shaolin Cultural Organization delegation visited the United Kingdom Shaolin cultural center. They were greeted by the Director of the Centre Master Shi Yan Zi [Chin. : shì yánzī shīfu 釋 延 孜 師傅], the organizer of the 2nd European Shaolin Festival and a good friend of the General Manager and Founder of Greek Shaolin Cultural Centre, Master Stavridis Jordan - Shi Yan Zhuo [Chin .: shì yán zhuō shīfu 释 延 卓 師傅]

The Greek delegation had the opportunity to interact with other Shaolin culture students from Europe and some masters of the Shaolin Temple. They toured the Center's premises, they took the opportunity to talk and take photographs with the Shaolin monks and other friends.

It is a great pleasure to be able to live and share such moments and see how people from different countries and with different customs can have common thought and progress. Shaolin culture was and still remains Global. Said the General Manager and Founder of Athens Shaolin Cultural Centre Master Katakalaios Dimitris - Shi Yan Kong [Chin.: shì yán kōng 释延空]

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