Acquittal decision of the investigation team for the Abbot
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Publication Date: 02/15/2017
Published by: «EPOS» Information and Public Relations Office

The Greek Shaolin Cultural Organization, as the official representative of Shaolin Temple in Greece, was informed today about the announcement of the outcome of the investigation team, that dismisses all charges against the Venerable Abbot of the Songshan Shaolin Temple. For the record, we inform you that the investigation lasted for almost two years and was about financial scandals and other charges against Ven. Master Shi Yong Xin.
Official Investigation Denies Serial Allegations Against Shaolin Abbot
The investigation team, after a very careful and detailed examination, announced online the research and the results of the findings, clarifying all seven charges.
First, on the charge from Shi Yan Lu, that the assets of Shi Yong Xin exceed 7 million yuan.
Internet Report: The assets of Shi Yongxin exceed 7 million Yuan as 2 million were received from the businessman Liu Mouming [刘某明], 2 million from Shi Yanlu and more, that were spent on luxury cars and other assets.
The investigation committee, told the reporters that after extensive investigation, there was no financial transaction between Shaolin Temple or Shi Yong Xin and Liu Mouming.
In 2004, Yanhu [释 延 虎] and Yanbao [释 延 豹], students of Shi Yong Xin cooperated with Liu Mouming for the making of Buddhist statues. Since they could not sell them, Liu Mouming wanted to sell them to Shaolin Temple. But Shi Yong Xin disagreed and then addressed the Public Security Bureau of Zhengzhou, for extortion by Liu Mouming. After investigation, the Zhengzhou Security ruled that the acts of Liu Mouming do not constitute extortion, but are within the context of trade negotiations.
Shi Yong Xin did not buy the statues from Liu Mouming and therefore there is no valid payment of 2 million yuan.
So stayed pending the issue whether Shi Yongxin got 2 million yuan for the use of Shaolin temple or not.
In 2005, Shaolin Temple instructed the monk Shi Yan Lu [释 延 鲁], to train Shaolin students, giving him area of the monastery. In November of the same year, he was entrusted Chui Pu Tang [chuí pǔ táng 锤 谱 堂] and three rooms for offices and reception areas. Over the years, Yan Lu appropriated the space and used his name, turning it into his personal school. As a result, in June 2013, Shaolin temple could not receive any students. However, neither Shaolin temple, nor personally Shi Yong Xin never received rent or any other financial consideration for the use of the premises. In contrast, Chui Pu Tang and other rooms, were never returned to Shaolin Temple.
After research, Yan Lu as a disciple of Shi Yongxin, in 2010 and 2012, according to the tradition, before the Spring Festival, raised funds to strengthen his master. The board ensures that the money were used for the benefit of the monks, ie training costs, clothing, accommodation and so on. Moreover, there are no indications of luxury cars, loans and other items.
Secondly, on the exploitation by Shi Yong Xin shares of Henan Shaolin Intangible Assets Management Co., Ltd.
Internet Report: Shi Yong Xin holds a 80% stake in Henan Shaolin Intangible Assets Management Co., Ltd. which transferred to respective companies and industries in the Shaolin name Hanmou Jun, with false accounting and in May 2013 Shaolin had lost over 4 million and the Shaolin Temple's assets were diminished.
The responsible of the investigation committee, said that Shi Yong Xin retained shares of Henan Shaolin Intangible Assets Management Co., Ltd., but was "for account holders": "Shaolin Temple has no legal status, according to industrial and commercial requirements of registration and can not be an investor. According to the Articles of Association, share owners have signed a commitment that they will not have the right of ownership, disposal and stock profit will not have dividends, will not receive a salary, they will not participate in the management and if they leave the Shaolin temple or if they die, they will be transferred unconditionally to Shaolin Temple. »
According to investigations, the Henan Shaolin Intangible Assets Management Co., Ltd., was founded in December 2008, by Shi Yong Xin [释永信], Shi Yong Qian [释 永 乾] and Shi Yin Song [释 印 松], with 80%, 10% and 10% respectively. According to the provisions of Shaolin Temple, in July 2012, after the death of Shi Yin Song, the 10% that had in his name, was transferred to Henan Shaolin Intangible Assets Management Limited.
The leisure company of Shaolin temple [少林寺 欢喜 地 (登封) 有限公司], manages the income from visitors, the faithful, the students, the Shaolin restaurant and revenues are used to finance the Shaolin orphanage [少林 慈幼院]. Shares of Henan Shaolin Intangible Assets Management Co., Ltd., were also maintained by the president of the Foundation of the Orphanage of Shaolin Temple on behalf of shareholders, who also signed the commitment to hold shares without ownership, distribution rights and benefits, without dividends, without receiving a salary and without participation in management. After investigation, the company's liabilities from 2007 to 2013, is over 4 million. Yuan, mainly for the renovation and extension of commercial premises, decoration, purchase of equipment and software support costs and are not treated as general operating losses. The online report that the company has lost more than 4 million in 2013, is not true.
"In our study there were no shares that have gotten dividends or other income on the particular case, there was no transfer of shares or false accounting, no embezzlement of personal assets of Shaolin." announced officially the Investigation Committee.
Third, on the issue of embezzlement of income from incense.
Internet Report: Shi Yong Xin is responsible for incense for over two years and collects the profits from the offerings of incense.
The so-called incense sticks,are burned to honor the Buddha. According to the Investigation Committee, Shaolin Temple monks do not sell incense to the faithful, but since a decade when the incense offering was greatly increased, the monks offered them personally to the pilgrims and also Shi Yong Xin. The money from the incense were directly entered in the donation box and Shaolin Temple was responsible for all the revenue in total.
Since 2008, Shi Yong Xin had voluntarily left and had resigned from all popular procedure.
The Investigation Committee, after investigation of all personnel and other relevant persons and having researched and checked the relevant accounting information, found no indications that there was involvement of Shi Yong Xin with incense for more than two years, while there is no evidence that Shi Yong xin encroached on the temple income from incense.
Fourth, fundraiser to raise money for the construction of the Shaolin Bell.
Internet Report: The Abbot with the excuse of the construction of the bell raised funds in the amount of 10 million yuan.
According to the Investigation Committee in 2000, Shaolin Temple launched a campaign to raise money for the casting of the Bell. When the project was completed, some of the money were returned to donors, while the remaining money was used by the financial management of the temple for the repair the monastery.
After investigation of the personnel, access to the relevant accounts, checking bank accounts, it was confirmed that Shaolin Temple had a separate account detailing total of 570,000 yuan for the casting of the bell, generated by fundraising. The Committee found no other income, big business, or individuals with high wealth to confirm the charges.
Fifth, Shaolin Temple has a luxury vehicle, whose owner belongs to Shaolin temple.
Internet Report: The abbot bought as luxury limousine worthing 1,000,000 yuan.
After investigation, Shaolin Temple has registered 15 vehicles. All belong to Shaolin Temple, the four of them are imported cars and 11 domestic. It is reported that these vehicles are mainly used for the temple office, reception and movement of the monks. After investigation, Shaolin temple sometimes rented vehicles for some local organizations and the two sides signed the lease agreement, and Shaolin temple had to bear the rent.
Sixth, about the economic struggle of the construction company of Nanyang City and the Buddhist College of Honan province.
Internet Report: The construction company of Nanyang, whose Shi Yongxin served as legal representative and chairman of the Buddhist Institute of Honan, delayed wages of workers.
It is understood that the Buddhist Institute in Honan Province is approved by the Office of Religious Affairs of Honan province and was funded by the Buddhist Union, as part of four-year undergraduate religious institutions. By convention, the president is the president of the Buddhist Union of Honan province.
But Shi Yong Xin is not the legal representative of the college. As established by the Investigation Commitee, the responsible for finding capital and the building of the College was China Charity Federation of the Honan province, which with the charitable donation of 1.5 billion yuan from businessman Wang Guochuan [王国 全], who was the legal representative and executive vice president, they were solely responsible for the construction of the college and everyday management. Shi Yong Xin had no specific participation.
So for the controversy of the Buddhist College of Honan province and construction Company of Nanyang, who had taken part in the project and was responsible for the wages as reported on the internet, Shi Yong Xin had no direct involvement.
Seventh, the bank account "Liu Yingcheng" [刘 应 城] of Shi Yong Xin has been disabled.
Internet Reference: Shi Yong Xin has a double bank account and double identity.
After research, Shi Yongxin had a double bank account. In one, holder is Shi Yong Xin, with identity number 4101251965xxxxx054, address Shaolin temple, Denfeng, Honan Province, Shaolin Temple Orphanage, which was registered in 1985. Shi Yong Xin, became a Shaolin monk in 1981, and the account was registered in 1985 after the census of that year. Shi Yong Xin used for the account, the the identity card of the monk.
Survey data show that Shi Yong Xin had another account with name Liu Yingcheng, ID No. 3412261965xxxxx076, address Anhui Province, Yingshang area, Shen Town, birth year 1965. According to the investigation, the account and the identity were not used by Shi Yong Xin since he became a monk.
According to the relevant regulations of the Rules of the People's Republic of China on the registration of registered persons, the public security had canceled the account with the name of Liu Yingcheng, said the head of the investigation team.
The Investigation Committee told the reporters that in the process of many months of research, some major issues were found in the economic and in the internal management of Shaolin temple, that need improvement, but for now, Shaolin Temple is operational and complies with what is required and designated by the Chinese State and Law.
Read more in here [English] and here [Chinese].
China, Chinese Kung Fu, Kung Fu, Kung Fu Grading, Martial Arts, Chinese Martial Arts, Shaolin, Shaolin Kung Fu, shaolin kung fu grading, shaolin temple, Shifu Shi Yan Zhuo, Changchun Wushu CenterA Friendly Reminder: All content included on this site, such as text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, audio clips, and software, is the property of Hellenic Shaolin Cultural Center or its content suppliers and protected by US and International Copyright Laws. The compilation (meaning the collection, arrangement, and assembly) of all content on this site is the exclusive property of Hellenic Shaolin Cultural Center and protected by US and International Copyright Laws. Any use of the content on this site, including the reproduction, modification, distribution, transmission, republication, display, or performance, is strictly prohibited.