2019 International Wing Chun Day Celebration
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Publication Date: 03/17/2019
Published by: «EPOS» Information and Public Relations Office

On Saturday morning, March 16, 2019, EPOS, responding to the invitation of its associate, Sifou Pantelias Antonis, attended the Club of Greek Chinese Yong Tsun Quan Academy in New Philadelphia to honor this art on the occasion of the International Wing Chun Day Celebration. EPOS was followed by its co-operating clubs with masters Katakalaios Dimitris, Kokkalas Lambros, Papabasileiou Dimitris, Antoniou Efstathia, Delis Giorgos, Kapatsoulias Panagiotis, Stavrakos Marios, Stavridou Alexandra, Fouskarini Mimis, Gioxala Dimitra, Bograkou Danae and Gagosi Feroniki. Male and female Students of EPOS, enjoyed the festive experience together with the students and trainers of Shifu Pantelias School.
During the celebration, there was a presentation of "Combat Apps" [Chin.: Zhàndòu yìngyòng 战斗应用], Wooden Dummy [Chin.: Mù rén zhuāng 木人樁 | Kan.: muk yan jong] and taught the skill "Little Idea" - Siu Nim Tao [Chin.: xiǎo niàntou 小念頭 | Cant.: siu nim tau] which is basically the first form of this Chinese art. Then Masters Pantelias and Stavridis exchanged techniques with Yong Tsun Quan Academy Students, giving everyone the opportunity to get acquainted with this art that is related to the Shaolin Temple Culture.
Thank you for honoring with your presence this great event. More schools and masters should follow this unique initiative. Yong Tsun Quan or Wing Chun as most people know it, has historically come from Shaolin Temple, and this has created strong ties between schools and masters dealing with these arts. EPOS is committed to support this very beautiful cultural exchange, knowledge and friendship in the name of Wing Chun International Day. I hope next year to be strong and healthy and to meet again. Said Master Stavridis Iordanis.
I would like to to thank the EPOS Administration, Master Stavridis Iordanis as well as all the masters, students and friends for their support and help in making another Wing Chun World Day celebration. Worldwide, this day gives us the opportunity to honor the masters who have spread this art and to remember those who for decades have generously offered their knowledge. Said the organizer of the event Sifou Pantelias Antonis.
From Shaolin to Yip Man
Wing Chun [Chin.: yǒng chūn 詠春] was formed between the 17th and 19th centuries by Nun Mui, or more correctly Wu Mei [Chin.: Wú Méi 五枚 | Cant.: Ng Mui] who is said to be one of the legendary Five Elders[Chin.: Wú Méi 五枚 | Cant.: Ng Mui] - survivors of the destruction of the Shaolin temple during the Qing dynasty in 1647, 1674 or 1732. The famous Shaolin Master left as heritage, her own personal style "The Style of the 5 Families "[Chin.: Wǔ Méi Pài 五枚派 | Cant.: Ng Mui Paai]. She is also the creator of the style, South Dragon [Chin.: lóng xíng mó qiáo 龍形摩橋 | Cant.: long ying mo kiu], White Crane [Chin.: Báihè pài 白鹤派 | Cant.:baak hok Paai] and Fist Of The 5 Animals[Chin.: Wǔ xíng hóng quán 五形洪拳 | Cant.: Ng Ying Hung Kuen]. She found shelter in the Temple of the White Crane [Chin: Báihè sì 白鹤 寺] at Dalian mountain [Chin.: Dāliángshān 大 涼山] between Yunnan [Chin.: Yúnnán Shěng 云南省] and Sichuan [Chin.: Sìchuān shěng 四川省].
Wu Mei met at some point in her life a girl called Yan Wing Chun [Chin.: Yányǒngchūn 严咏春 | Cant.: Yim Wing Cheun], which she taught a combat system that was inspired by watching a battle between a crane and a snake during her journey. Yan Wing Chun taught the style to her husband, Lian Bo Chao [Chin.: Liáng bó chóu 梁博儔 | Cant.: Leung Bok-Chau], who gave his wife's name to the style, which in Chinese is literally translated into "Spring Melody" or "Eternal Spring". The significant development of art is attributed to the Wing Chun Master as well as the addition of the "Sticking Hands" exercise, Chi Sao [Chin.: Chī Shǒu 黐 手 | Cant: Chī Sáu] and the use of "Bamboo Rings", Mu Huan [Chin.: Mù Huán 木环 | Cant.: Muhk Wàahn].
Lian Bo Chao taught Liang Lang Gui [Chin.: Liáng Lánguì 梁蘭桂 | Cant.: Leung Lan Kwai], who in turn taught Huang Hua Bao [Chin.: Huáng Huábǎo 黃華寶 | Cant.: Wong Wah Bo]. He passed the system to his colleague, Liang Ardi [Chin.: Liáng'èrdì 梁二娣 | Cant.: Leung Yee Tai], who had already taught the method of "The Staff of six and a half Points" [Chin.: Liù diǎn bàn gǎn 六點半桿 | Cant.: Luk Dim Boon Gwun] by Shaolin Monk Shi Sin Sim Si [Chin.: Zhì Shàn Chán Shī 至善禪師 | Cant.: Ji Sin Sim Si]. So "The Staff of six and a half Points" was introduced to Wing Chun system. Liang ArDi passed the Wing Chun system to Liang Jan[Chin.: Liáng zàn 梁贊 | Cant.: Leung Jan | 1826-1901]. Liang Jan became well known for his dexterity in Kung Fu and managed to defeat many fighters. Liang Jan taught the Wing Chun system to Chan Hua Shun [Chin.: Chén Huáshùn 陳華順 | Cant.: Chan Wah Soon - 1849-1913]. Chan Hua Shun had a student, the famous and well-known to all of us, Yip Man [Chin.: Yè wèn 葉問 | Cant.: Yip Man - 1/10/1893 – 2/12/1972].
China, Chinese Kung Fu, Kung Fu, Kung Fu Grading, Martial Arts, Chinese Martial Arts, Shaolin, Shaolin Kung Fu, shaolin kung fu grading, shaolin temple, Shifu Shi Yan Zhuo, Changchun Wushu CenterA Friendly Reminder: All content included on this site, such as text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, audio clips, and software, is the property of Hellenic Shaolin Cultural Center or its content suppliers and protected by US and International Copyright Laws. The compilation (meaning the collection, arrangement, and assembly) of all content on this site is the exclusive property of Hellenic Shaolin Cultural Center and protected by US and International Copyright Laws. Any use of the content on this site, including the reproduction, modification, distribution, transmission, republication, display, or performance, is strictly prohibited.