11th Mygdonia Festival Successfully completed
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Publication Date: 11/19/2018
Published by: «EPOS» Information and Public Relations Office

The 7th international & 11th National festival of Martial arts “Mygdonia”, was concluded with glowing success. The festival was undertaken by the Greek Federation of Martial Arts [EOPT] under the auspices of the Region of Central Macedonia and took place at the PAOK sports arena, at Palataki Pylea.
More than 1000 athletes, from over 110 clubs participated with a crowded audience which enjoyed an overly rich spectacle of self defence techniques, traditional and modern shaodowfights, padworks, semi contact fights, light contact, mixed martial arts, grappling, locks e.t.c
The Greek Shaolin Cultural Organization, as every year, could not miss such an institutional event, making a very noticeable presence with a great team of male and female students from the unions with which it cooperates.
The mission was led by the EPOS General Director, Master Stavridis Jordan [ shì yán zhuō 释延卓] , and the POKESA General Director, Master Katakalaios Dimitris [shì yán kōng 释延空] and was accompanied by masters, Stavridou Alexandra [Aristomachos] Alexiou Spyros [Shaolin Center of South Suberbs], George Delis [White Horse] Antoniou Efi [Shaolin Ilioupoli], Kapatsoulias Panagiotis [Shaolin Pyrgos], Stavrakos Marios [Shaolin Amaliada], Vassilopoulos Ioannis [ Shaolin Thessaloniki] and Mimis Fouskarinis from the recently constituted Shaolin Patra.
Male and female students from the various Shaolin Cultural centers presented forms with barehands and weapons from the Arts of Shaolin along with soft internal Styles of Shaolin, injecting enthusiasm into the crowded audience.
The festival was completed by a formidable presentation by the EPOS demo team, which offered a great spectacle from the Shaolin Arts and Culture, riveting such the audience which in turn οffered a round of warm applause.
Τhe event was broadcasted live by local tv channels and radio stations.
China, Chinese Kung Fu, Kung Fu, Kung Fu Grading, Martial Arts, Chinese Martial Arts, Shaolin, Shaolin Kung Fu, shaolin kung fu grading, shaolin temple, Shifu Shi Yan Zhuo, Changchun Wushu CenterA Friendly Reminder: All content included on this site, such as text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, audio clips, and software, is the property of Hellenic Shaolin Cultural Center or its content suppliers and protected by US and International Copyright Laws. The compilation (meaning the collection, arrangement, and assembly) of all content on this site is the exclusive property of Hellenic Shaolin Cultural Center and protected by US and International Copyright Laws. Any use of the content on this site, including the reproduction, modification, distribution, transmission, republication, display, or performance, is strictly prohibited.