Shaolin Kungfu: A Five-Level Path to Mastery

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The Progressive Journey of Learning

Learning Shaolin Kungfu [Chin.: Shàolín gōngfū 少林功夫] is a journey that mirrors the educational process, akin to progressing through the stages of primary to university levels. This ancient martial art demands a systematic and disciplined approach, starting from the basics and gradually advancing to the pinnacle of skill. Attempting to shortcut this process is akin to skipping foundational education – it hampers one's ability to navigate the intricate courses of higher learning. The path to success in Shaolin Kungfu unfolds across five distinct levels, known as The Five Petals of Shaolin Kung Fu [Chin.: Shàolín gōngfū wǔ bàn 少林功夫五瓣], each marked by objective standards and an increasing mastery of martial and combat skills.

The First Level of Gong Fu [Chin.: Dì yī céng gōngfū 第一层功夫]:

The journey commences with the first level of Gong Fu, where simplicity is key. At this stage, the emphasis is not on perfection but on grasping the basic requirements for different body movements. The learner is encouraged to explore and understand the foundational aspects of Shaolin Kungfu without undue complexity.

The Second Level of Gong Fu [Chin.: Dì èr céng gōngfū 第二层功夫]:

Having acquired the basics, the second level introduces the practitioner to the ability to practice with ease, adhering to the preliminary movement requirements. The awareness of internal energy emerges, although control over the flow of qi within the body may still be elusive. This stage serves as a bridge, linking the foundational elements with the deeper, internal aspects of Shaolin Kungfu.

The Third Level of Gong Fu [Chin.: Dì sān céng gōngfū 第三层功夫]:

The third level marks a significant progression, as the practitioner begins to work with the circulation of qi in big circles, gradually transitioning to medium circles. This stage emphasizes a more nuanced understanding of energy flow within the body, laying the groundwork for the higher levels to come.

The Fourth Level of Gong Fu [Chin.: Dì sì céng gōngfū 第四层功夫]:

Advancing to the fourth level requires the practitioner to refine their skills further. From the medium circle, the focus shifts to small circles, symbolizing a stage nearing mastery. At this point, the practitioner should master effective training methods, comprehend the martial skills embedded in each movement, and achieve a seamless integration of internal energy circulation with breathing.

The Fifth Level of Gong Fu [Chin.: Dì wǔ céng gōngfū 第五层功夫]:

The pinnacle of Shaolin Kungfu mastery is embodied in the fifth level. Here, the practitioner transitions from commanding small circles to commanding an invisible circle, executing forms with imperceptible precision. The actions become flexible and smooth, with a heightened internal energy known as jin. Despite reaching the zenith, the journey doesn't end – continuous effort is required to make the body adaptable to dynamic changes, achieving an elusive state where internal transitions between substantial and insubstantial are imperceptible externally.


Learning Shaolin Kungfu is a disciplined and progressive journey that demands dedication, patience, and adherence to a systematic approach. Each level builds upon the previous one, with specific criteria and objectives guiding the practitioner towards mastery. Skipping steps or seeking shortcuts is counterproductive; instead, the practitioner must embrace the process, gradually progressing through the stages until the elusive fifth level is attained. In the world of Shaolin Kungfu, true mastery is not a destination but a continuous journey of refinement and self-discovery.

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