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- Rouquan Shaolin Internal Exercise
Soft Fist - Rou Quan [Chin.: róuquán 柔拳], is an excellent Shaolin Internal Exercise «Nei Gong» [Chin.: Shàolín nèigōng 少林 內功], which constantly develops human body’s physical and vital energy reserves and in conjunction with the «Five Skills» [Chin.: wǔgōng 五工], allows strides of improvement to anyone who wants to evolve his skills in concentration, balance and deep relaxation. Shaolin Rou Quan addresses to all…
- Evaluations Over Examinations in Martial Arts
A Holistic Approach to Progress Martial arts, beyond being a physical discipline, is a profound journey of self-discovery, discipline, and continuous improvement. Traditional examination systems have long been ingrained in martial arts culture, with students undergoing rigorous testing to advance to the next belt rank. However, a paradigm shift is underway, as many Traditional martial arts schools, and Shaolin in particular, are embracing the…
- Martial Arts Training for Kids
In the realm of extracurricular activities for children, the decision to enroll a child in martial arts training is often met with a range of opinions among parents. Concerns about violence, conflicting desires for athletic prowess versus discipline and values, and uncertainty about the appropriateness of martial arts for kids are common factors influencing parental decisions. This article delves into the considerations surrounding martial…
- The Sacred Duty of Martial Arts Students
Preserving Tradition through Unanalyzed Knowledge Transmission In the realm of traditional martial arts, there exists a sacred bond between teacher and student, one that extends beyond the mere exchange of physical techniques. It encompasses a profound responsibility—one that transcends time and individuality—to preserve and pass on the invaluable wisdom of the art in its purest form. Central to this obligation is the notion that students…
- Progress Rooted in Tradition
In an era characterized by rapid technological advancements and a relentless pursuit of the new, it is crucial to recognize the enduring value of tradition and primordial knowledge in shaping the path of human progress. While modernity often encourages us to look forward, we must also look backward to the wisdom embedded in our cultural heritage, ancient practices, and timeless traditions. This article delves into the symbiotic relationship…